Daily Chores

Premium Vector | Family cleaning, doing household chores

More than keeping the house clean and organized, household chores are also a great way to promote order and discipline at home. What’s more, this can be a great bonding experience for the entire family — with parents and children both having cleaning responsibilities to fill on a daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly basis.

But before you can even keep your living space in perfect order, you will need a master house chores list to split the tasks evenly. Who gets to clean the living room table? Who is responsible for washing the dishes? How often should the floor be mopped?

Once you’ve finally answered these questions, you and your children can now begin sticking to a regular routine to keep the home clean, organized and dirt-free at all times.

To give you a good idea of what to put in your list, here are a few examples of daily chores: Sweeping and mopping the floor

Vacuuming the rugs and carpet

Washing dishes and kitchenware

Cleaning and disinfecting the kitchen area

Feeding pets and cleaning litter boxes

Doing laundry washing

Preparing and cooking meals

Cleaning bathrooms

Dusting and wiping home furniture and fixtures

Taking out the trash