Chores by age

It is very normal that parents we don’t know exactly when our children are prepared to perform certain chores which drive us to underestimate them, with the consequent impact on their cognitive development and maturity.

It is possible not even you can perform some of the following chores, but don’t worry, children have a very flexible mind and are way more capable than us of learning new things.

Ages 2 and 3:

  • Personal chores.
    • Assist in making their beds.
    • Pick up playthings with your supervision.
  • Family chores.
    • Take their dirty laundry to the laundry basket.
    • Fill a pet’s water and food bowls (with supervision).
    • Help a parent clean up spills and dirt.
    • Dust.

Ages 4 and 5:

  • Personal chores.
    • Get dressed with minimal parental help.
    • Make their bed with minimal parental help.
    • Bring their things from the car to the house.
    • Pick up their toys.
    • Wash hands.
  • Family chores.
    • Set the table with supervision.
    • Clear the table with supervision.
    • Help a parent prepare food.
    • Help a parent carry in the lighter groceries.
    • Sort colors for the laundry.
    • Match socks after clothing is washed.
    • Answer the phone with parental assistance.
    • Be responsible for a pet’s food and water bowl.
    • Dust with supervision.
    • Hang up towels in the bathroom.
    • Clean their room with supervision.
    • Clean floors with a dry mop.

Ages 6 and 7:

  • Personal chores.
    • Make their bed every day.
    • Brush teeth.
    • Comb hair.
    • Choose the day’s outfit and get dressed.
    • Write thank you notes with supervision.
  • Family chores.
    • Be responsible for a pet’s food, water and exercise.
    • Vacuum individual rooms.
    • Wet mop individual rooms.
    • Dust individual rooms.
    • Fold laundry with supervision.
    • Put their laundry in their drawers and closets.
    • Put away dishes from the dishwasher.
    • Help prepare food with supervision.
    • Clean their room when asked.
    • Empty indoor trash cans.
    • Answer the phone with supervision.

Ages 8 to 11:

  • Personal chores.
    • Take care of personal hygiene.
    • Keep bedroom clean.
    • Be responsible for homework.
    • Be responsible for belongings.
    • Write thank you notes for gifts Wake up using an alarm clock.
  • Family chores.
    • Wash dishes.
    • Wash the family car with supervision.
    • Prepare a few easy meals on their own.
    • Clean the bathroom with supervision.
    • Rake leaves.
    • Learn to use the washer and dryer.
    • Put all laundry away with supervision.
    • Take the trash can to the curb for pick up.
    • Test smoke alarms once a month with supervision.
    • Screen phone calls using caller ID and answer when appropriate.

Ages 12 and 13:

  • Personal chores.
    • Take care of personal hygiene, belongings and homework.
    • Write invitations and thank you notes.
    • Set their alarm clock.
    • Maintain personal items, such as recharging batteries.
    • Change bed sheets.
    • Keep their rooms tidy and do a biannual deep cleaning.
  • Family chores.
    • Take care of personal hygiene, belongings and homework.
    • Write invitations and thank you notes.
    • Set their alarm clock.
    • Maintain personal items, such as recharging batteries.
    • Change bed sheets.
    • Keep their rooms tidy and do a biannual deep cleaning.
  • Family chores.
    • Change light bulbs.
    • Change the vacuum bag.
    • Dust, vacuum, clean bathrooms and do dishes.
    • Clean mirrors.
    • Mow the lawn with supervision.
    • Baby sit (in most states).
    • Prepare an occasional family meal
    • Personal chores.

Ages 14 and 15:

  • Personal chores.
    • Responsible for all personal chores for ages 12 and 13.
    • Responsible for library card and books
  • Family chores.
    • Do assigned housework without prompting.
    • Do yard work as needed.
    • Baby sit.
    • Prepare food — from making a grocery list and buying the items (with supervision) to serving a meal — occasionally.
    • Wash windows with supervision.

Ages 16 to 18

  • Personal chores.
    • Responsible for all personal chores for ages 14 and 15.
    • Responsible to earn spending money.
    • Responsible for purchasing their own clothes.
    • Responsible for maintaining any car they drive (e.g., gas, oil changes, tire pressure, etc.).
  • Family chores.
    • Do housework as needed.
    • Do yard work as needed.
    • Prepare family meals — from grocery list to serving it — as needed.
    • Deep cleaning of household appliances, such as defrosting the freezer, as needed.