I’ve Never Been Happier: Pedro Ballester Arenas

Pedro Ballester Arenas died of osteosarcoma in Manchester at the age of 21. He lived an ordinary life, which left an extraordinary mark. At his funeral, the now Cardinal Arthur Roche explained: «Pedro has touched the lives of many – and most without him knowing it – through his patient, faith-filled, happy and loving endurance during these last three years of an illness, which he bore uncomplainingly and with considerable courage and which has been both a witness to the beauty of life at whatever stage or condition and a great example and encouragement to all who were close to him… When Pedrito committed himself as a celibate lay member of Opus Dei, with that generosity which is so characteristic of youth, he could not have known how the Lord would call him to follow in His steps even to the sharing of His Cross and His Sacrifice for others. But we know, that as he rose each morning, even from his hospital bed when able, he kissed the ground and uttered the word of Michael the Archangel, serviam! – I will serve! And so he did, with great magnanimity, with patience and good humour.»
«To be happy,» St. Josemaría wrote, «what you need is not an easy life but a heart which is in love.» Here you will find a good example. This book brings together some memories of his parents and siblings, of family and friends, of those who knew him and lived with him, and who witnessed the adventure of a “Yes” to God until his last breath.